Friday, October 5, 2012

Beating the PM Snooze Blues


Back away from the Monster Energy drink.  Drop the Red Bull.  Put down the M & Ms and slide the java on over.  Do not pass Tim Horton’s do not spend your 200 cents.

I remember coming home from university and crashing out hard on our residence couch.  The foam cover was about 3 millimetres thick and the frame felt like it was made from a skeleton.  But as soon as I shimmied myself into a horizontal position, I was out.  Cold. 

I have slipped into the same little pattern.  I get home from work and crawl onto my bed.  Usually I slide my Macbook onto my lap and by the time I have had my dose of what’s going on, my body is 75% horizontal and my head is propped up with two pillows.  This is Body saying to Brain, “sleeeeeeep.”

And I do. 

Like the rest of the normal people, I can’t just sleep from 5:00pm until morning (though I could) so I have been setting an alarm for times like 5:30, 5:45 or 6:00.  I wake up groggy; regretting my little “power” nap. 

Until today.

I know this all too well.  So here I go, compiling my list of ways to beat the afternoon snooze blues.

1.     Go for a run. Aside from just the stress relief, jogging has also been proven to improve your outlook on life. Running, especially outside and in nature causes a release of endorphins.  Get high o’natural.

2.     Bake a carrot cake.  Baking has been proven to not only be an enjoyable past time, but also a way of saying “I care” when you give your baked goods away.

3.     Bang out some sun salutations.  Stoke your fire with some extension, some bending, straight back, forward fold, high-to-low plank, up dog, down dog action.  Put your body in motion and then let the wind in your sails take you yonder.

4.     Put on some music and dance, dance, dance.  Swing your hair around, wind and grind, throw your hands up and relive the days in grade 6 when you didn’t have to drink to have a good time (yes, those days of mine ended shortly thereafter).
Do try this at home.

5.     Have a cool shower and wash the grime off your body from a hard days work.  You should leave feeling invigorated and fresh.   Cold showers, strengthen immunity, improve blood circulation, alleviate depression and promote well-being. 

6.     Eat a healthy snack like watermelon, celery, cucumber, or carrots. Gnaw on those for a little while.

7.     Eat your beast.  Yes. Eat your beast.  Get to that “to do” item that you have been putting off FOREVER.

8.     Keep moving.  Whatever it takes.  Newtons first law of motion confirms: A body in rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

9.     Learn the words to PSY Gangnam Style. This can be combined with #4.

10. Take the dog for a walk.  Water the plants.  Shovel the neighbours driveway (in due time), do the laundry, organize the cupboards, play ring-around-the-rosy with the kids, play hide and seek with your partner … ooh la, la.  I will stop there.

Together we can beat the blues people.  One little endorphin rising up in protest at a time. 

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