Friday, October 5, 2012

10 Ways to Transform the Words "I Care"

In case you missed it, here is a snip-it of the article published on MindBodyGreen.  

Caring is Sharing! 

It’s true—care is a noun and a verb.

We might care about our friends, our families, people who are less fortunate and world peace and hunger and animal rights and AIDS. But when all is said and done, what good is caring (the noun) when you don’t care (the verb)?
Action is a powerful six-letter word. Perhaps even more powerful than mighty, potent or strong.
Action separates intention from execution, thought from realization. And ultimately, it’s up to us. Do we want to sit with concern and care in a silent embrace, or do we want to rise up and be more? Glasses high for being more and here are ten ways to be just that.
1. Make the phone call you have been avoiding. Drop the excuses. All of them.
2. Make the time to respond to people’s messages. Don’t forget the word responsible means, “able to respond.”
3. Smile. Everyone likes to feel important (despite what your 13 year old says). In fact, love and significance are two emotional needs. Acknowledge the world we share including the people in it.
4. Listen. Not to your head, but to what others are saying. Listen for meaning and respond rather than react.

For more:

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