PS - I am not editing for spelling.
1. Ajusco, Mexico
Clasica do Reyes
There are races I love to do year after year and this is one of them. This race starts in a charming part of the city, Coyocan and it's up, up, up .... all the way up to the top of Ajusco. I didn't have a great start to the race but when the incline increased, I was able to make up a lot of time and place. Love this race.

2. Camila and I - ASF, Mexico City
The Hand Off - ASF Run for Education
Placing in a race is always a highlight in my life. Not because I get to be on stage (oh - well kind of) - but more-so because there is a story behind every race. I finished this one wanting to throw up (this is good) because I hunted down a gal in front of me and I wanted to see what I still had left in the tank. Little did I know, it would win me 3rd place and that the face behind the trophy would be Cami's handing out all the 3rd place trophies.
3. Niva Godinez, Valle De Bravo, Mexico
While the race organizers didn't want to let us bring the kids in the transition area, we convinced them that ... well ... we couldn't leave them outside of the area. So we brought them in and gave them the full experience. This pic puts a smile on my face for two reasons ... E is Ricky's category and it reminds me that once I put the temp-tattoo of an E on his leg but I put in on backwards so it was a 3.
4. Hotel Carlota, Mexico City, Mexico
Vail and I have just had another amazing jam-session as we talk about Momentum 2.0, a retreat that we planned and then cancelled and life in general. About 10 minutes after this picture my phone was at the bottom of the pool ... for the second time.

June 3, 2019
It's Niva's 2nd birthday here and while we had no idea she know the words, she sang happy birthday to herself here. Loud and Proud!
That face. That's Niva.
6. BOK, Mexico City
K1 is over
I cried this day. Cami has such an amazing experience in K1. Her teachers were amazing and her classmates, wonderful. This was the end of the year celebration - a celebration of everything the kids did throughout the year.

7. Muskoka, ON, Canada
Oh Canada!
I could have filled this post solely with pics of Canada, the girls in the pool at Meg's, Safari Niagara, Karaoke at Blue Mountain, SUP, flying kites, Ninja Warrior, visits with dear friends at the cottage, Cami and Hank, Spash Pads, Race Cars, Strawberry picking, Niagara Falls ... but I thought that this pic summed it all up.
Dreaming of 2020 already.
8. ASF Talks, Mexico City, Mexico
Tell me about your day.
Ricky and I took to the stage twice this year. Once at ASF Talks and once at Tedx. This talk was an actual conversation unfolding in real time ... something we practiced for weeks and weeks. What a thrill it is to get up on stage and deliver a talk.

9. Valle de Bravo, Mexico
The Legendary Camping Crew
As I mentioned, Cami's K1 class was AH-mazing. Here are just a few of us during a camping weekend. So fun to think that 4 families from her class will be in Canada during the summer to race the Muskoka 70.3. Eeek.

10. Mexico City, Mexico
Looney Tunes
Waking up on a Sunday morning at 5:30am so that the family can run a 1km race is the perfect start to the day. Cami ran the whole race holding on to my hand and she finished in 7:50.

11. Veracruz, Mexico
I won!
When I got off the bike at this race I took note that my bike was first on the rack. My mantra on the run was - "this is mine to lose" ... I got passed by a few girls who didn't have a letter on their leg (indicating their category) so I wasn't sure ... until this moment.
This was the race that qualified me for the ITU Grand Final (Age Group World Championships)

12. Desierto De Los Leones, Mexico
Walk in the Hills
There's never a day that it doesn't feel GREAT to go for a walk in the forest. This is us. In Desierto de Los Leones, a park in the outskirts of Mexico City. Doing our thing. Finding treasures. Climbing up. Adventuring.
13. San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Independence Day
Each face in this pic tells you about the speed of this 1970-somethings ride. Niva is doing her thing and pushing the limit - one handed, and I am thinking, "holy shit! This is fast!"
14. Huixquilucan, Mexico
We told Cami that we might ride horses today and she screamed, "I know what boots I can wear!" She rocked the Cowboy boots the whole day and we all had a blast.
15. Casa Leutheuser-Mass
For two years now, we have gone over to our dear friends, Kristen, Jordan, Will & Greta's house to carve jack-o-lanterns. It's always fun to bring some of our own traditions to Mexico and this is one we love.

16. Washington DC, USA
143 + 15
Every year I lead a trip of students to DC. This year, we were 143 kids and 15 teachers. It was the best trip we have had and that is much in part to the people I get to work with.
17. Camila, Mexico City, Mexico
The dress
Didn't see this one coming, did you? This is Cami trying on a dress gifted by the beautiful Hoda. She's really not sure what kind of face to make in a dress - so this is what we get. Her wearing a dress happened 1/365 days this year. So this pic makes the cut. Cami is who she is. Aren't we all?!

16. Sedona, USA
Canyons & Laughs
I am so glad my sisters and I made the time to take a sister's trip this year. We laughed a ton, visited some amazing places and spaces, met some locals, ate great food and then laughed even more. Hoping this can become a yearly trip. Here we're in Owl Canyon.
19. The Fam - Mexico City, Mexico
The Christmas Run
Every year we participate in this race. It's a 5km race on Reforma and we bring Aero along. This year we were lucky enough to find Niva 1.0 along the way and spend the morning with her.
And there you are ... 2019 is a Wrap.
Fun Fact: I left Canada on December 26, 1999 to celebrate New Year's in Thailand. It was that day, 12/26/99 that i got my first email address ( < don't know what happened to it) and left for a "trip." 20 years later ....
Here's to making the next 20 so meaningful you never have to question if you are on the right path. Just remember, a path that leads to only one place is called a dead end.
Life large - make it an adventure, get lost, get found, get uncomfortable, and then cozy up ... unravel, reach high, have manners, and most importantly - respect for all.
Happy 2020