Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I will stop saying the "S" word

What Should I wear?  What Should I say?  What Should I eat?  I Shouldn’t have said… I Shouldn’t have done …  I Shouldn’t have been …

What was Webster thinking …  Should?  And why have we allowed Should into our lives?

Personally, I would like to bury Should in a box built for six. 

Fact is.  There are things we do and things we don’t do.  All because we decide to do/not do them.   

Because we decide. 

Should is just a shell.  Vacant of action. Empty.  It's opinion.  What’s the point of admitting that we Should/n’t have dome something that we did/n’t?  It’s silly really.  Looking back believing that our lives didn’t unfold as they were meant to.  Quite superfluous really. 

Am I condoning mistakes?  “I Shouldn’t have punched Johnny in the face.”  Yep.  So what?  Johnny might have a fat lip, but we all get socked once and a while.  It’s life’s way of balancing the good with the bad. Johnny got socked.  Plain and simple.  Belted.  It happened. 

So, let’s all rally here and put to rest a word that which we have empowered to make us second guess our destiny.  We have allowed it to make us guilty.  Make us wrong. Instead, let’s power up the words that matter. 

I will … 

Then it’s simple.



  1. just shared this. love it. keep it up.

  2. So true. Here's one of my favourite quotes from a conference I attended a few years ago..."don't should on yourself."
