Monday, July 30, 2012

I suck at ...

What do I suck at?

I absolutely love this question and I am so excited to call myself out.  Thanks Danielle LaPorte for going first.

Admitting that I stink at certain tasks doesn’t absolve me of responsibility or accountability.  No.  Instead it allows me to let go of ego, excuses, and fear of judgement.  Let’s face it; we all suck at something.

1.  I suck at asking for help.  This is part of my “I am a pain in the ass” complex.  I don’t like to put people out and never, ever, ever want to be a taker instead of a giver.  Ironic thing is however; I love being asked for help.  It makes me feel necessary and important. 

2.  I suck at remote controls.  Isn’t there a simple 6-button remote?

3.  I suck at being behind.  As soon as I feel like I am behind, I race to catch up.  I can remember being in grade 3.  During math, I would plow through the questions as fast as I could.  It wasn’t so that I would be ahead.  It was so that I wouldn’t be behind. 

4.  I really suck at remembering names.  I was just introduced to 50 new teachers here in Mexico.  Normally I would write people’s names down and a little feature to remember them by.  Again, I feared judgement (dink with the notepad recording hairstyle or distinguishing features), so I didn’t.  I walked away with four names secure. 

5.  I suck at talking on the phone (especially in another language).  It seems like I can’t get the timing right.  Face-to-face is just better.

6.  I suck at money management.  This one calls for a screen shot and a letter to the universe.  

Yep - that's Portuguese for you are R$219,47 in the hole.  

Dear Universe, 
I hope this note finds you well.  Please help find a buyer for our house or send my tax return. 
Diane Clement

7.  I suck at going to the doctor and dentist regularly.

8.  I suck at fashion.  I can’t seem to pick out timeless items, and I tend to combine styles (so I have been told).  I almost feel like I am not stylish, so style doesn’t match me. 

9.  I suck at crossword puzzles, poker, and soccer.

10.  I suck at not finding excuses for sucking.  In the past month I have been very forgetful.  I forgot all of my money at my sisters while in Canada, I forgot my clothes (incl. all underwear) in the washing machine at Jenn’s, I forgot my skateboard (which I schlepped from Brazil) in Maggie’s garage when I left, and then here in Mexico I forgot my Iphone in the bathroom at the mall, my camera battery in the charger when we went to make an important video and I am repeatedly forgetting what I am supposed to be doing.  My excuse has been that my sh*t is all over the place (which it is). But the truth … is that I am just not being present. 

11.  I suck at communicating how I am feeling.  This one is work in progress.  The fear here is complicated.  I feat hurting someone’s feelings, not being taken seriously, not saying what it is that I mean to say, sounding cliché, or opening up Pandora’s box. 

I think I will stop at 11 although I could go on and on (languages, downloading, staying focused, starting my morning with active tasks, tolerating caffeine … etc)

I think the most important part of this little task today is realizing that I really don’t suck at sucking. I am actually pretty ok with sucking, though numbers 4, 6 and 10 are going to get some immediate attention. 

What do you suck at?  You knew it was coming.


  1. Great list, Diane! I suck at a LOT of these too. I love your list. Can we trade?

    1. Glad you enjoyed the read Amy. Amazing what becomes clear when we are clear with ourselves.

  2. Oh my! I can completely relate to SO many of these. I should borrow some of these to add to my list. I hadn't even thought of my suckiness at communicating my feelings. And being behind, I hate to be behind also but yet I am constantly scrambling and fighting the feeling. I do love the feeling of making the lists and moving forward.

  3. Wow, I can relate to many points of your list. Wow!

    1. Oh ... and I am sure there are others that are lurking in my blind spot. :)
