Monday, July 16, 2012

Conversations with Kids

Last night I put my 6-year old nephew Tyler to bed.  After reading a crappy adaptation of The Ugly Duckling (my favorite childhood story) he still couldn’t sleep.

Tyler tosses and turns as I lay with him in bed.  Unable to sleep,  I ask him, “Have your mom and dad ever taught you about counting sheep?” 

Tyler: Ya, like there were five sheep and the wolf eats two of them? (I am tempted to pull out a "and how many sheep are left?" teacher moment but decide not to)

Me: Kind of.  There’s another way to count too.  You imagine a fence, and then you count the sheep as they jump over it.  (I make gestures with my hands)

Tyler:  But can I do what I want with the sheep in my head?

Me: Of course you can.

Tyler:  Then I’m gonna do the five sheep and two get eaten by the wolf.

Me:  ok

Tyler:  Do you know that story?  With the wolf.

Me:  Yes I do.  That story gives a really important message.  Do you know what it is?

Tyler: Yep, to never lie.  Do you think that being honest is the importantist thing.

Me: (not ready for such a question) Well … it’s one of the most important.

Tyler:  Well what’s the importantist?

Me: I think that it’s really important to help others when you can.

Tyler thinks.

Tyler:  Like if I finish a test early, I can go help someone?

Me:  Kind of, ya.  But helping others is a lot different that doing it for them.  You can help people by encouraging them, by being a good friend, and by helping them believe in themselves.

Tyler: Can we go to sleep now with no talking?

Me: Of course we can.

Insert one minute of stillness.

Tyler:  (Flips over quickly) Ohhhh, I get it!  Like if someone’s tire pops on their motorcycle, we can help them fix it.

Me: Exactly!

I love that kid. 

1 comment:

  1. aw, Di, I love this post. It's so honest and loving. Thank you for sharing it.
