Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 8: Spontaneity

Day 8: Sunday, June 17, 2012

I had writers block this morning.  At first I was gong to write that I was thankful for kindness but  I wasn’t inspired.  Then I thought that since it was father’s day I should write about my dad.  But then the should police kyboshed the idea. After that I wrote a list of 26 areas of my life in which I feel gratitude.  Still blocked. Finally I shared my little obstacle with my sister and neice saying, “I don’t want to write about kindness because it’s Pollyannaish and I am not feeling like Pollyanna today.  “Write about spontaneity.”  Suggested my sister.  Perfect.

Today I am very thankful for spontaneity. 

 When I raced Ironman Cozumel I was going to write lance Armstrong’s “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” on my leg with a black Sharpie marker. I turned this phrase over in my mind for a few weeks wondering if I could “figure it out.” Oh how the brain likes to figure things out, find meaning, connect, make sense of. 

I didn’t write the phrase on my leg, but I have been thinking of it since.

What does this have to do with spontaneity? 

Anthony Robbins describes suffering.  He says that people suffer when life doesn’t happen how they expected. But we continue to expect.  And we continue to attach feeling to expectations.  

Spontaneity (also known as “naturalness” in synonyms) is something that happens without a plan and with minimal (if any) expectations.  It’s the road less travelled, the non-conformed, a change of pace, the out of the blue.  It’s a surPRIZE, a chance, a challenge, and it’s not always your idea.  Spontaneity lacks analysis, over-analysis, it challenges fear, wedges through your barriers, and it asks you to take the mask off.  Spontaneity directs you to the present, living in the moment and demands that you feel free to be. 

So break the pattern, spread your wings, make space and when the moment takes you by surprise, flow with it and soar. 

Repeat daily.  

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