Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 5: My Body

My right hand has been pushing on the nerve below my left ear to relieve the pain.  My body lets me know when to take a step back, relax, and regroup.  I am not exactly sure what this is; my best WebMD diagnosis is trigeminal neuralgia, but it’s my all natural chill pill. 

Today I’d like to acknowledge my body.

Dear Body,

I am so damn proud of you.  You have been working very hard for the past 35 years and I am pleased to be part of your growth. 

I am not going to lie.  I was a little pissed back in high school when Left Knee went out while thrashing the ski hills in Tremblant and you had to have a surgery (ACL reconstruction).  I know now not to thrash you around.  Too bad that I didn’t get the message from Brain after Left Knee’s cry for help.  Right Knee tried to tell me as well a few years later (please thank him for his persistence).  But again, surgery (ACL reconstruction). Body do you remember your mom telling me, "You're not the Bionic Woman."?  In all honestly I liked being compared to her. 

I am pleased to see that Brain is giving me more of my messages.  There was a long time when she would just give me the ones she thought were important.  As a result, I acted in a way that may have hurt you.  I am sorry for that.  Brain remembers people talking about “self worth” and now she knows what they meant.

Please tell Right Ankle that I am especially proud of her resilience back in October. She was running and Brain got so busy (thinking of Yoga for Teachers) she forgot to warn her about an oncoming curb.  Do you remember, Body?  You bailed right in front of a car full of teenagers.  Brain felt sad, and frustrated, and worried about Ankle’s recovery, but for once in her life, she took advice and she rested.  This led to her recovery. 

Left thumb continues to be a crowd pleaser.  Brain used to send “be self-conscious” messages because Left Thumb looks like a toe.  Now Brain sees how funny that is, and she just has a good time with it.  I am happy to see that Brain is growing up.

Trigeminal Nerve (TN for short) continues to act out, Body.  As we can see, this letter is a day late.  TN was really rambunctious last night and she caused Space Inside Ear to feel very hurt.  I know she’s telling us to calm down and remember our little motto “it always works out” but she’s was really quite dramatic last night forcing you to bed early.  I am sorry about that.

I am super happy with Respiratory and Circulatory Systems behaviour.  They have been really working well together and continue to bring you places (with Muscular and Skeletal System’s help) that Brain used to tell you were “impossible.”

Body, Brain does that sometimes.  She’s a tricky little lady.  Of course she wants to stick around as long as possible so she keeps all systems in check.  But she gets confused sometimes too (like all brains).  When she gets really busy or feels pressured, she sometimes gives mixed messages.  In times like these, you need to listen to Instinct.  You can’t see instinct, remember?; you can only feel her because she’s not part of you, Body, but she’s part of Soul.  I am glad that you and Soul are still inseparable.  

That’s all for now Body.  I hope you have a great day today.  Go get your skateboard and take a little cruise.  Make sure you call Balance, she'll want to go too.  The sun is shining out there.  Skin will be happy. 

Talk soon Body,

Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.” Wayne Dyer


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks a million woman - can not WAIT to watch how it unfolds for you :)

  2. Tummy to Diane -- "Thank you for those Nutella happy moments, stop listening to Ricardo, that is good for us !!"
