Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 10: Deliberate Acts of Kindness

Day 10: Sunday, June 24, 2012

“Way to go Random Stranger.”  That was the sign that I read when cruising down the street in the Welland ½ Ironman today. 

Today I am thankful for Deliberate Acts of Kindness.

After the race, Meg and I recapped the day and all of its splendour.  What we kept coming back to were the acts of kindness and solidarity that were around each and every corner.  When I asked what I might write about today, she suggested kindness.  I was going to write about this on Day 8 but I scrapped it for spontaneity; it was meant for today.  Later she directed me to a site dedicated to recognising deliberate acts of kindness and I just love the idea.

I had never really stopped to think about the difference between random and deliberate acts of kindness.  The word random itself says; accidental, accidental, haphazard (I like that word) or arbitrary.  When I thought about “random acts of kindness,”  I thought about small things like paying for the car behind you at a toll booth, or letting the person with a few groceries in front of you in line at the grocery store.  But these gestures aren’t random at all.  They take thought, and more importantly, they take a character of kindness. 

I think one of the most beautiful images in the world is a smile (insert sunshine and lollypops I know ... but I am serious). Being kind is a practice.  It’s something that is strengthened the more you use/are it and it’s the best gift you can pass to a friend or a stranger. 

So, pay it forward, kill them with kindness, and remember, kind is cool (but you already knew that.)

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Diane, you get it!! There should be NOTHING random about kindness. It must be taught, modeled, nurtured, encouraged and PRACTICED - every day.
    Thanks so much. I can't wait to get some dakbands into your hands
